
Instant Download; Test Bank for Culture and Psychology, 6th Edition By David Matsumoto, Linda Juang

Instant Download; Test Bank for Culture and Psychology, 6th Edition By David Matsumoto, Linda Juang
Edition : 6
Genres : Health, Medical, Hospital, Fitness, Science, Psychology
Author : David Matsumoto, Linda Juang
Publisher : Cengage Higher Education
ISBN : 9781305648951
Print ISBN : 9781305648951
eText ISBN :
File Type : ZIP
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CULTURE AND PSYCHOLOGY, 6th Edition illustrates how and why culture influences mental processes and behaviors in humans, and is relevant for anyone interacting with people from different cultures. Incorporating current research that highlights the relationship between culture and psychology, the authors use a cross-cultural framework that gives students the tools necessary for evaluating many psychological processes and principles from a cultural perspective. In addition, the text encourages students to question traditionally held beliefs and theories and their relevance to different cultural groups today, and to apply what they learn to their own lives.

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  1. Ch 1: An Introduction to Culture and Psychology
  2. Psychology with a Cultural Perspective
  3. What is Culture?
  4. The Contents of Culture
  5. How Does Culture Influence Human Behaviors and Mental Processes?
  6. The Goal of This Book
  7. Exploration and Discovery
  8. Ch 2: Cross-Cultural Research Methods
  9. Types of Cross-Cultural Research
  10. Types of Cross-Cultural Comparisons
  11. Designing Cross-Cultural Comparative Research
  12. Bias and Equivalence
  13. Conclusion
  14. Exploration and Discovery
  15. Appendix A: Listing of Countries and Regions and Their Scores on the Five Hofstede Cultural Dimensio
  16. Ch 3: Enculturation
  17. Humans Engage in Cultural Learning
  18. Enculturation and Socialization
  19. Culture, Parenting, and Families
  20. Culture and Peers
  21. Culture and the Educational System
  22. Putting It All Together
  23. Exploration and Discovery
  24. Ch 4: Culture and Developmental Processes
  25. Culture and Temperament
  26. Culture and Attachment
  27. Temperament and Attachment: A Summary
  28. Cognitive Development
  29. Moral Reasoning
  30. Conclusion
  31. Exploration and Discovery
  32. Ch 5: Culture, Self, and Identity
  33. Culture and Self
  34. Culture, Self-Esteem, and Self-Enhancement
  35. Culture and Identity
  36. Conclusion
  37. Exploration and Discovery
  38. Ch 6: Culture and Personality
  39. Defining Personality
  40. Cross-Cultural Studies on Personality Traits: The Five-Factor Model and Five-Factor Theory
  41. Cross-Cultural Studies on Other Dimensions of Personality
  42. Indigenous Personalities
  43. Integrating Universal and Culture-Specific Understandings of Personality
  44. Conclusion
  45. Exploration and Discovery
  46. Ch 7: Culture and Gender
  47. Sex and Gender
  48. Gender Differences across Cultures
  49. Culture, Gender Roles, and Gender Stereotypes
  50. Changing Cultures, Changing Gender Roles
  51. Conclusion
  52. Exploration and Discovery
  53. Ch 8: Culture and Cognition
  54. Culture as Cognition
  55. Culture and Attention
  56. Culture and Perception
  57. Culture and Thinking
  58. Culture and Consciousness
  59. Culture and Intelligence
  60. Conclusion
  61. Exploration and Discovery
  62. Ch 9: Culture and Emotion
  63. The Evolution of Human Emotion
  64. The Biological Bases of Emotion-Basic Emotions
  65. Cultural Influences on Emotion
  66. Cultural Regulation of Basic Emotions
  67. The Cultural Construction of Emotional Experience
  68. The Cultural Construction of Concepts, Attitudes, Values, and Beliefs about Emotion
  69. Conclusion
  70. Exploration and Discovery
  71. Ch 10: Culture, Language, and Communication
  72. The Co-Evolution of Language and Human Culture
  73. Cultural Influences on Verbal Language
  74. Cultural Influences on Nonverbal Communication
  75. Intracultural and Intercultural Communication
  76. Bilingualism and Culture
  77. Conclusion
  78. Exploration and Discovery
  79. Ch 11: Culture and Health
  80. Cultural Differences in the Definition of Health
  81. Three Indicators of Health Worldwide
  82. Genetic Influences on Physical Health and Disease
  83. Psychosocial Influences on Physical Health and Disease
  84. Sociocultural Influences on Physical Health and Disease
  85. Differences in Health Care and Medical Delivery Systems
  86. A Model of Cultural Influences on Health: Putting It All Together
  87. Exploration and Discovery
  88. Ch 12: Culture and Psychological Disorders
  89. Defining Abnormality: Some Core Issues
  90. Culture and the Categorization and Assessment of Psychological Disorders
  91. Cross-Cultural Research on Psychological Disorders
  92. Cultural Syndromes of Distress
  93. Mental Health of Ethnic Minorities, Migrants, and Refugees
  94. Conclusion
  95. Exploration and Discovery
  96. Ch 13: Culture and Treatment for Psychological Disorders
  97. Culture and Psychotherapy
  98. Receiving Treatment and Barriers to Treatment
  99. Treatment Issues
  100. Culturally Competent Services
  101. Indigenous and Traditional Healing
  102. A Community Approach to Treatment
  103. Culture and Clinical Training
  104. Conclusion
  105. Exploration and Discovery
  106. Ch 14: Culture and Social Behavior
  107. Cultural Influences on How We Perceive People
  108. Culture and Attributions
  109. Mate Selection, Love, and Marriage across Cultures
  110. Culture and Conformity, Compliance, and Obedience
  111. Culture and Cooperation
  112. Culture and Intergroup Relations
  113. Culture and Aggression
  114. Acculturation
  115. Conclusion
  116. Exploration and Discovery
  117. Ch 15: Culture and Organizations
  118. Cultural Differences in Work-Related Values: Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions
  119. Organizational Culture and Organizational Climate
  120. Culture and Attitudes about Work and Organizations
  121. Culture, Motivation, and Productivity
  122. Culture, Leadership, and Management Styles
  123. Culture and Decision-Making Processes
  124. Culture and Negotiation
  125. Intercultural Issues Regarding Business and Work
  126. Culture and Sexual Harassment
  127. Conclusion
  128. Exploration and Discovery
  129. Glossary
  130. References
  131. Name Index
  132. Subject Index

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